My Dear Self-Study Explorer

My dear Self-Study explorer…As you begin your journey You will see on the next pages images and words that capture a place, a time, a way, an experience. Encouraging lessons of the heart and of the mind.

Each image…and the words, a story…messages and meanings for You far and away quite likely different from mine.

I encourage you to Open each page slowly, with the intention of Seeing something new or fresh. Take in each picture. Take in the words. Wander in your heart…in your mind. Linger. Let yourself Go Through something and then beyond. See what You will see. Keep a journal of your Reflections, new and renewed dreams. Your wishes and goals…

Power your Heart…is meant to Create a Space for you to explore…for you to return to little by little, or as many times as you are drawn to it. Self-discovery has no timeline!

Cherish each and every moment.
Dr. Paula Christian Kliger


If you liked this message, and would like to take the next step of your self-study journey, click here to get Dr. Kliger’s new book, “Power your Heart… You power your Mind.”